See our Facebook page for Photos of past events.
Charity Fun Fly - CANCELLED due to COVID-19
Saturday August 8, 2020.
Saturday August 8, 2020.
The Kawartha Lakes RC Flyers try to run a Charity Fun Fly each year to rise money for local needs.
In 2020 we are supporting:
The Big Brothers and Sisters of Kawartha Lakes - Haliburton.
It takes as little as 1-4 hours a week to make a difference. Our mentoring programs are built around patience, empathy and generosity. When combined, these values create real connections between children and caring adult mentors. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes – Haliburton mentors teach by example, challenging and supporting young people and helping them realize their potential to succeed and thrive.
For more information visit:
The Kawartha Lakes RC Flyers will hold their Charity Fun Fly event again in support of Big Brothers and Sisters.
This event will be held at our club field located at 571 Pigeon Lake Rd just east of Lindsay on Saturday August 10, with Sunday August 9 as a rain date. Entry fee of a $10 donation and proof of MAAC will provide a ticket for a draw prize. Numerous raffle draws and a 50/50 draw will be available, with all proceeds going to The Big Brothers and Sisters of Kawartha Lakes - Haliburton. Flying will be from 10 am to 4 pm. Food and refreshments will be available. Flying will be open to all RC aircraft and helicopters. Spectators are welcome. Come out and enjoy a relaxing day of non-competitive flying from our three well-groomed runways and help us support a great cause.
A MAAC Sanctioned Event
Thanks to the generous spectators and members who donated their time, the club managed to raise almost $900 in 2019 for the Women's Resources of Kawartha Lakes. Over the last several years the club has raised approximately $4,550 for community needs which, for a small club, is quite remarkable . Once again, a big thank you goes out to those members, their families and others who participated and helped the club serve the community.
The Directors
Previous events raised money for:
Event cancelled due to Corona virus - 2020
Women's Resources of Kawartha Lakes - 2019
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton - 2017 and 2018
Women's Resources of Kawartha Lakes - 2016
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton - 2015
Kawartha Lakes Boys and Girls Club - 2014
Peter Witteveen Memorial Fund - 2012
The Directors
Previous events raised money for:
Event cancelled due to Corona virus - 2020
Women's Resources of Kawartha Lakes - 2019
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton - 2017 and 2018
Women's Resources of Kawartha Lakes - 2016
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton - 2015
Kawartha Lakes Boys and Girls Club - 2014
Peter Witteveen Memorial Fund - 2012